Les petites phrases et moments sympas dans Remember Me
A friend of mine on deviantart, NYLFN (http://nylfn.deviantart.com/) has made some cute fanarts, picking up some nice quotes and moments in the film, and she has agreed to let me share them on the blog.
My favorite ever: Tyler climbing out of the fire escape window into his bedroom, the very first time we get a glimpse of him in the film. It was a lovely scene and I particularly like this fanart.
Ma scène préférée depuis toujours: Tyler, tel que nous le découvrons tout au début du film, quand il est assis sur l'escalier anti-incendie et rentre dans sa chambre par la fenêtre.
Source: http://nylfn.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3gmw3dCaroline et son "meurtre de Noël"...
Caroline's "Yuletide homicide" line!
Source: http://nylfn.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3gp9wa
Aidan's trying to sell his S.L.U.T concept to a skeptical Tyler
Aidan essaie de vendre son idée du P.U.T.E à un Tyler plutôt sceptique...
Source: http://nylfn.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3gn2e1
A very wet Tyler with an even wetter cigarette!
L'arroseur arrosé... Tyler dans la baignoire avec sa cigarette aussi trempée que lui
Source: http://nylfn.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3gnos5
The artist's gallery is here : http://nylfn.deviantart.com/