dimanche 25 mars 2012


90 nouvelles photos du tournage de Remember Me

90 new/old pics from the RM set have just surfaced. I guess it's the restaurant scene when Tyler introduces Ally to his father, as he's wearing the suit. Most of the pics only show Rob going to or from his trailer, wearing a tie and suit and with the script in his hand. Fans massed behing the barriers are taking pics like crazy.

90 nouvelles/vieilles photos du tournage de RM viennent juste de refaire surface. Je pense que c'est la scène du restaurant, quand Tyler présente Ally à son père, puisqu'il est en costume-cravate. La plupart des photos montrent Rob dans la rue se déplaçant entre son trailer et le lieu de tournage, en costume-cravate et le script à la mains. Les fans massées derrière les barrières le prennent en photo frénétiquement...

 Here's a link to see all the pictures :
 Robstenation blog

2 commentaires:

  1. I was there, I witnessed the craziness first hand. We even stopped traffic to get a photo of Robert. At the end of shooting for that day, and before getting in the car, Robert waved and smiled to us. All the waiting outside The Plaza was so worth it, for that moment only. Unforgettable... :)

  2. Thanks for the comment and the story Anonymous!! :)


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