La fin du film : témoignages de New-Yorkais
New Yorkers Speak About The Ending Of The Film

New-Yorkaise ayant vécu en direct le 11 septembre (Jean)
Le jour du 11 septembre 2001, j’habitais à New-York, et j’avais l’âge des personnages du film, et j’ai vraiment ressenti un lien avec l’histoire qu’il raconte. Quand je suis sortie du ciné, la chose que le film m’a fait ressentir le plus en profondeur est qu’il communiquait si bien ce sentiment de beauté et d’optimisme qui régnait le matin du 11 septembre.. avant que les avions ne se fracassent sur les tours.
Pour quelqu’un qui ne se trouvait pas à New York ce jour-là, il est impossible d’imaginer quelle magnifique matinée new-yorkaise c’était. Il faisait une température idéale, le ciel était bleu, et cela donnait un sentiment d’inspiration aux gens sur le point de commencer leur journée… tout comme on voit les personnages du film se montrer inspirés et pleins d’espoir, ayant trouvé un début de réponse dans leurs luttes contre leurs conflits intérieurs. Ce jour-là, on avait l’impression que « la vie était belle », et puis tout a changé.
Will Fetters, et vous tous qui avez participé au film, je vous remercie. Je doute qu’aucun autre film ne puisse jamais saisir cette dimension du 11 septembre.
Jean - (March 17th, 2010 12:32 pm) On 9-11, I lived in NY and was the age of these characters, and I could definitely relate to the story. Coming out of the theatre, the most profound thing about the movie was that it conveyed that sense of beauty and optimism the morning of 9-11… before the planes hit.
Unless you were there that day, you would have no idea what a glorious New York morning it was, perfect temperature and blue skies, giving people a sense of inspiration as they started their days….just like the characters were inspired and hopeful after working through their personal struggles. It felt like 'life is good' that day, then everything changed. Will Fetters and everyone involved in the movie, thank you for this. I doubt that another film will ever be able to capture that part of 9-11.
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Yes, Jean, as Janine says to Tyler as they both look out that window just before their doom approaches: 'What a day.'
RépondreSupprimerThe juxtaposition of the beauty of it and the terror of it was something filmmakers didn't need to invent. It just came out of the blue.
@jessegirl - yes, it was heartbreaking when Janine says "what a day"... Unfortunately, it does not ring a bell for most French (and maybe European) viewers, as most people do not know that fact - that it was an exceptionally beautiful summer-like day. Personally, I didn't know and only learnt it afterwards. Something also got lost in translation, "what a day" got translated as "quelle journée" which does not clearly imply that it's a beautiful, sunny day, you can only understand it if you closely watching Janine's expression. So something subtle got lost there.