In these short posts, called Sharing Thoughts, I post some short comments or ideas sent to me by friends and readers of the blog or posted on other sites.
Dans ces posts courts, Partage d’idées, je poste des commentaires courts ou des idées que m’envoient des amis et des lecteurs du blog ou postés sur d'autres sites.
RM traite de la condition humaine comme le font peu de films, et le fait dans une approche globale de compassion ; je crois que c'est cela qui me séduit tant dans ce film. En définitive, Remember Me a choisi de parler avec la voix de la compassion. il pose toutes les questions les plus douloureuses et nous amène à en débattre et à y réfléchir, mais toujours en demeurant plongés dans cette extraordinaire compassion, qui nous donne assez de courage pour continuer. Cette photo en est un bon exemple. Tyler regarde sa petite soeur avec un tel amour que même si nous ne savions rien d'autre sur lui, on ne peut pas s'empêcher d'avoir envie de l'aimer.
jessegirl, 29 juillet 2010.
I think RM speaks to the human condition in a way few films do, and all of it is wrapped in a compassion, I think that's why it appeals to me so much. In the end, Remember Me is compassionate in tone. All the hard questions are raised and we discuss them and ponder them, but we do it while being wrapped in this extraordinary compassion, so that we feel bold enough to proceed. This photo is an example. Tyler is looking at his little sister with such love, even if you knew nothing else about him, you would love him too.
jessegirl, July 29, 2010.
I have a relationship with my 11 year old nephew which is a bit like the one between Tyler and Caroline. We're really, really fond of each other, I'm his aunt but I feel like his older sister. Sometimes I catch myself looking at him like that and I'm sure I have that Tyler for Caroline smile. I always think of that lovely scene now, whenever we're together. I switch into my Tyler mood and msile and I'm more attentive to him than I ever was before. I listen to him and answer him as he were a grown-up. I give him more time. RM has made me change.