dimanche 2 mai 2010


L’idée de ce blog est née de plusieurs mois d’échanges sur des sites, forums et fils de discussion anglo-américains et français, avant la sortie du film, pendant, et après… et encore maintenant. Les idées, débats, et les émotions qu’il a suscités et qu’il continue de faire naître, la profondeur et l’honnêteté des échanges, les thèmes, touchants, parfois poignants, parfois sombres, parfois polémiques aussi, les confidences parfois sur lesquels nous a amenés le film font qu’il est devenu le catalyseur de quelque chose qui, je crois, va bien au-delà. Il touche à la vie, à nos vies, et nous force à nous interroger, parfois douloureusement. Ce sont ces échanges humains et ces témoignages spontanés, émanant des personnes du monde entier, qui m’ont donné envie de créer avec ce blog un lieu de partage et de rencontre, où tous ceux qui ont aimé le film, ont envie d’en parler et de l’analyser pourront continuer à se retrouver. L’idée est aussi que ces échanges ne disparaissent pas une fois le film sorti de salles, et qu’il reste une trace de tout ce qui a été dit et partagé. Car, bien au-delà de l’œuvre filmique en elle-même, je me suis aperçue que Remember Me faisait remonter à la surface tout ce qui touche à la vie, à la mort, à l’amour sous toutes ses formes, au deuil et aux douleurs, à la joie et à la difficulté de vivre. Ce n’était pas forcément l’intention première de ses créateurs, et peut-être l’œuvre les a-t-elle dépassés, mais toujours est-il que le film fait parler, couler de l’encre, s’exprimer les gens, longtemps après que les lumières se soient rallumées dans la salle. Si l’on devait le résumer en quelques mots, je dirais que Remember me nous touche, parce qu’il nous parle de ce qui est en fin de compte l’essentiel : comme ses protagonistes, nous aussi nous vivons, rions, aimons, et sommes aimés, et nous aussi, la mort nous emporte.

English Version
How It All Began
I began to think of starting this blog after several months of reading posts and commenting on various American, English and French sites, forums and discussion threads, before the film was released, when it opened in theaters, when it began to leave them… and the thing is, discussions are still going on now. The film generated - and is still generating – a whole train of thoughts, debates and emotions. It made us exchange our ideas in a deep, heartfelt way, led us to share moving, sometimes poignant experiences. It took us to some dark places and sometimes caused controversy, but above all it made us trust each other with some very personal things. Remember Me turned into a catalyst for something which, in my opinion, goes far beyond what a mere film is supposed to do. Remember Me touches on our life, on our lives and questions us in a way which is sometimes painful. So many people from the entire world, sharing and reacting in a such a sincere way, made me want to create this blog so that all those who loved the film or want to go talking about it and analyse it will be able to meet here and share again. I felt it was important that all the thoughts we had shared would not fade away forever once the film left the theaters, so that we would have some record of what we said and exchanged. I realized that Remember Me went above and beyond what a typical film does, because it makes us want to speak about life, and death, and love in all its forms, about grief and grieving and sorrow, about the joy of being alive but also how hard it can sometimes be to just go on living. Maybe it never was the deliberate intent of its makers, and maybe their own work got out of hand, as it acquired a life of its own and went further on than they had intended, but this remains true: people want to talk about the film, write about it, say what they feel about it, long after the credits start rolling in. If we could sum up the film in a nutshell, I would say that we are deeply moved by Remember Me because it is about what, after all, is really essential in our lives : like all of its characters, we too live, laugh, love and are loved, and we too are swept away by death.

2 commentaires:

  1. Wonderful idea!
    Thank you for this blog.

    I hope the bilingual aspect works, as I can only express myself in English and might frustrate all your French members and readers.

  2. Hi Jessegirl! Wow, you're first. It's great to have you here. And don't worry. I will translate the English comments if/when necessary. I'm "introducing" you below as you can see, saying I knew you on an English -speaking forum...
    Pour toutes les Françaises : voici le premier commentaire de mon amie Jessegirl, rencontrée sur un forum anglophone !


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