C'était peut-être un cadeau de St Valentin pour moi de la part d'un admirateur anonyme ?
Maybe some anonymous admirer had this put up in the metro just for me - for St Valentine?
Ce sont les toutes premières à avoir été publiées, bien avant la sortie du film en France le 7 avril, et elles y sont restées une dizaine de jours. Je ne sais pas à quelle logique marketing ça correspond, car c’était beaucoup trop tôt. Et par contre, après, il n’y a plus jamais eu de grande affiche RM au multiplexe UGC… pourquoi ? Je ne sais pas … c’est un mystère, comme dirait Henslowe dans Shakespeare in Love. Une de mes répliques favorites !
I don't know. It's a mystery.
Deux jours après j’ai enrôlé mon collègue Georges complètement abasourdi mais néanmoins assez indulgent pour me faire la photo tout près de Rob (il n’a pas la moindre idée de qui c’est, mais tu as droit à mes remerciements éternels Georges, si tu lis ça un jour).
Après tout, je n’approcherai jamais, jamais Rob de plus près… alors je n’allais pas me priver de cette occasion.
Je suis incorrigible, je n’ai jamais grandi ? Yes ! Mais avouez… vous auriez fait pareil à ma place.
It was mid-February 2010, a few days before Saint Valentine’s Day and I was going to my favorite multiplex – I don’t even remember what I was going to see, actually. I was riding the 14 Line and on the platform of the Bercy tube station where I change lines, tad-dah! I suddenly saw my very first Parisian Remember Me billboard.
They’re the very first billboards which appeared in the Parisian métro, months before the film was released (it was only scheduled for April 7th) and they stayed on display for about ten days. I’m not too sure of the marketing strategy behind this choice as it was way too early to advertise the film. Afterwards, in late March, RM posters kept popping up in the tube, but the people at the UGC multiplex never put up the huge promotional RM billboard again … why? I don’t know… it’s a mystery, as Philip Henslowe says in Shakespeare in Love (one of my fave sentences ever !)
I came back the following day with my camera and snapped away, and treated myself to the hugest mega-zoom ever on Rob and Emily’s smiling faces.
A couple of days afterwards, before going to the cinema I asked my colleague Georges – who was completely taken aback by my behaviour but nevertheless indulged me (thank you forever for that, Georges) - to take a pic of me standing sooo close to paper Rob (Georges has no idea who Rob is).
Hey, I’ll never, ever get as close to Rob in my life… so I wasn’t going to miss that opportunity.
Oooh I spy some eyebrow-raising with my little eye… Are you implying that I never grew up? No, I never did. But be honest… you would have done exactly the same.
RépondreSupprimerEst vous sur la photo? Fantastique! Très cool! J'adore cette affiche!
En passant, j'aime Shakespeare in Love et Geofrey Rush est hilarant en elle.
Is that you in the photo? Fantastique!! Very cool! I love this poster!
By the way, I love Shakespeare in Love and Geofrey Rush is hilarious in it.
Hello LTavares! Oh dear, yes it's me on the pic in front of the billboard. I hope my brother never sees it or he will laugh so much at me. But it was so funny doing this!
RépondreSupprimerOui, c'est moi sur la photo devant l'affiche! J'espère que mon petit frère ne verra jamais ça... mais c'était tellement marrant de faire ce truc !