jeudi 13 mai 2010



This is the birthday card I made and sent to the robsessedpattison ladies who compiled all the birthday cards they received and posted them together in a video in their site. Yeah, I hardly can believe I did that, but I did. I never even did anything like that when I was a teenager!
Voilà la carte d'anniversaire que j'ai bricolée avec mes petits doigts pour l'anniv de Rob et que j'ai envoyée aux filles de robsessedpattison qui ont compilé toute les cartes de fans reçues pour les poster dans une vidéo sur leur site et sur youtube. J'ai encore du mal à croire que j'ai fait ça, mais si. Je n'ai jamais rien fait de pareil même quand j'étais ado!

The painting used for the birthday card is by Americain painter EverettShinn, member from the AshCan School of realist painting
Lien :

6 commentaires:

  1. Happy Birthday, Rob!!

    I am twisting for you continuing to be the cool guy that you are, although not knowing you personally, and I wish you could just work on projects that you really like. I wish you more success, money, inspiration, friendship, happiness, that all your dreams become true and above all the things: health and love.

    A big hug and kisses.
    Lais Tavares

    If you don`t believe you did it, try to imagine me, sending a book to Rob as birthday present. (LOL)

    Joyeux anniversaire, Rob!

    J'espère que vous continuez à être le gentil garçon que vous soyez, même sans le connaître personnellement, j'espère que vous ne peut fonctionner que sur les projets que vous aimez vraiment. Je vous souhaite plus de succès, l'argent, de l'inspiration, l'amitié, le bonheur, tous vos rêves deviennent réalité et, par-dessus tout: la santé et de l'amour.

    Un gros câlin et des baisers.
    Lais Tavares

  2. Thanks for commenting LTavares! You see, I couldn't resist posting a birthday card. How silly am I? Oh, and what book did you try to send him? I'm curious.. *hugs**

  3. Comme vous, jamais même ado, je n'ai réagi comme cela. Jamais auparavant je n'étais allée trois de suite voir le même film !!! RM évidemment

    N'ayant ni votre lyrisme ni votre créativité je me contenterai de souhaiter a Rob tout les réussites possibles personnelles et professionnelles et de parvenir a ne pas se perdre dans toute cette folie qu'a declanchee Twilight.
    Merci très sincèrement a vous Kim Little tant pour vos post sur TF que pour ce blog que je dévore et redevore. Valérie fthr55

  4. Bonjour Valérie! Je me souviens de vous du forum TF. Je crois que vous êtes la première Française et la première personne du forum à commenter. ça me fait super-plaisir! Je suis absurdement contente de savoir que quelque part il y a quelqu'un qui lise mes posts... et que ça ne se perde pas dans le grand inconnu d'Internet où il y a des millions de blogs, ai-je entendu dire. Alors merci pour vos encouragements etc compliments ! Kim (LittleSeaSparrow du forum et auteur de ce blog)

  5. @WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone

    Oh , I really sent it to Rob. Better saying, I bought the book in an online bookstore and they sent to him in London. Rob received it one day before he have traveled to Vancouver for the Eclipse`s reshoots. The book is "Dom Casmurro" by Machado de Assis. Machado is one of the greatest brazilian writers of all times, even though he is a writer of the 19th century. "Dom Casmurro" explores the themes of marriage and adultery. It is an eccentric and wildly unpredictable narrative style. As he recounts the events of his life from the vantage of a lonely old age, the narrator Bento continually interrupts his story to reflect on the writing of it. But the novel is more than a performance of stylistic acrobatics. It is an ironic critique of Catholicism, in which God appears as a kind of divine accountant whose ledgers may be balanced in devious as well as pious ways. It is also a story about love and its obstacles, about deception and self-deception, and about the failure of memory to make life's beginning fit neatly into its end.
    I hope Rob likes it, maybe someday he can make a film inspired in this book. I would love it. Rob would play a great Bento.
    P.S. I sent to Rob the book translated to english for John Gledson.

  6. LTavares - Oh that looks really like a great book, just the kind of stuff Rob would love. And now I think I'm going to buy it for myself, so thanks for the tip! I know nothing of Brazilian literature, so this is the best opportunity ever to start on it. Still - I wonder if Rob really received it, and if he did, if he read it. How could we know? I do so hope he got it. Imagine him having something you chose personally for him... this is so wonderful! ** Big hugs to you***


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